Question from a Nexus

Castelnau de Montmiral landscape paintings in the remote Tarn. Castelnau de Montmiral is somewhat a second home to me. Many of my most experimental and the best landscapes here on www.frickers.com were painted while attending The Painting School of Montmiral, around Montmiral and Gaillac including the break through pair “Red Bales” one and two. … Read more
The home page of this website www.artfrickers.com has an improved text, a new hyperlink to my cv/ résumée and a new ‘old’ illustration.
The material illustrated here was bought in Paris about 7 years ago, I’ve been unable to obtain more. I’ve almost run out and wish to buy another roll. Thus my questions are where to find the ‘right’ material and how to get it to my studio. As discussed, I’ve enclosed an off cut of the material … Read more
First fire; October is astern, an unusually mild dry sunny October during which I’ve taken as much advantage of the good light as possible for painting.
My days used to be ruled by the tides and wind.
Now it’s sunlight and warmth I keep a weather eye on.
My training at sea helps with reading the moods of the sky.
November made it’s presence felt with the first cold night of the season.
It’s not yet worth turning on the central heating, yet, but it is a pleasure to feel and see this cherry log fire.