Frickers Paintings, Gordon Frickers landscape and portrait paintings.
“After more than a few adventures I accepted my ‘calling’, I set out to be the best painter I can be”.
Along the way I discovered I have very unusual colour perception, a quality I share with many of the old masters including Monet and Degas.
If you are looking for the new masters of the 21st century, you have found one here.
Many distinguished people and renowned companies chose Frickers paintings as you can discover by reading my illustrated résumée.
Unusual for a living artist, Gordon Frickers has produced paintings that have already become world famous.

Blaye Dusk, 91.5 x 53.3 cm (36″ x 21″), 2,500 £.
order easily
with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.

Foret de Sivens, foret des champignons, 35 x 25 cm (13¾” x 9¾”), £1,200
Paintings spontaneously made on location
> with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.

Sainte-Emilion Sunset 60 x 91 cm (23 5/8″ x 35.5″) £3000.
> with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.
A typical endorsement 12.12.2022 « It is even more beautiful in person than online. I love the texture and the use of light. It will be treasured by us as a memory of a great trip and will be the highlight of Morgan’s Christmas morning”.
Quoted with the kind permission of John J. Hogerty, II
Executive Vice President & General Counsel, Bergstrom Corporation.

Carcassone and the Aude, 51 x 81 ((32″ x 20″) £ 3,257
> with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.
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Carcassonne, S W France series.

Carcassonne, 76 x 121 cm (30″ x 48″), £5,275.
> with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.
The perfect way to remember this sun kissed legendary city and this painting is tremendous value.
Landscape Painting, portrait painting and more than a few other subjects, many will surprise, this is versatile work and sound investment.

> with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.

Castelenau de Montmiral 40 x 50 cm (15¾” x 19¾”), £1,500 painting a heatwave.
> with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.
All professional artists are different, some more so than others.

Castelnau de Montmiral, Valley of old farm 43 x 51 cm (17″ x 20″) 1500£
> with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.
Frickers paintings are the choice of many distinguished people and renowned companies who consider Frickers one of the new masters of 21 st century painting, as indicated by Frickers unusual resumée.

Fete des vins, 61 x 915 cm (24″ x 36″) £ 1500.
> with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.
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Place de Mairie, Sauternes, 61 x 40.5 (24″ x16″), 1200 £
> with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.
Painting on location on a hot summer’s day.
Sauternes paintings, one of two available paintings Sauternes de la mairie, part of the Bordeaux Famous Wine Villages Series.
A third Sauternes painting has been purchased by the commune, hangs proudly in the Mairie de la Sauternes and inspired an annual children’s art competition.
> invest now order easily, safely, £ bank to bank or by credit card Purchase Now via Paypal in any currency or in instalments by arrangement contact us.

Rue Principal, Sauternes, 40 x 50 cm (15¾” x 19¾”) £2000.
> with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.
click on the picture for a larger image, click on the blue hyperlinks to find a collection and access individual paintings.

Timeless subjects, landscape painting developed from a location studies, these paintings combines a number of painting techniques, including abstract passages, spatula work and fascinating precise detail.

1 x 2 m, commissioned by the Invincible Vigneron Museum, Gaillac.
Now in the pride of place in the foyer.
However, the real secret of this landscape painting is in the conception and inspiration.

Red Bales 40 x 50 cm (15¾” x 19¾”), £ 2,000
> with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.
A painting made famous painting by several magazine articles about colour perception.
You can invest here easily, safely, £ bank to bank or by credit card Purchase Now via Paypal in any currency or in instalments by arrangement contact us.

24″ X 36 Sold.

> with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.

Antibes paintings, 76 x 1001.5 cm (30″ x 40″) £2,000.
> with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.

Last night, £1,200.
> with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.

Mermaid’s Pool,
with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.
Israel paintings

61 x 91 cm (24″ x 36″), £ 2000.
order easily
You can own this painting from here easily, safely using £ bank to bank or by credit card Purchase Now via PayPal in any currency or in instalments by arrangement, contact us.

Masada at Dusk 51 x 61 cm (20″ x 24″) for £ 1,100.
> with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.
Abstract thoughtsYou can invest here easily, safely, £ bank to bank or by credit card Purchase Now via Paypal in any currency or in instalments by arrangement contact us.
Gordon Frickers :
his talent drew attention as early as the tender age of 6, noticed by Russel Flint a friend of the distinguished portrait painter Gerard de Rose.
By the age of 16 Gordon Frickers was attending Maidstone College of Art, Kent.

Not for sale, artist’s collection.
Gordon Frickers is one of the very few artists to be invited to exhibit at the European Parliament, Brussels (May 2011)
Gordon Frickers is an acknowledged master of spectacular paintings, many are produce ‘plien aire’, his historical reconstructions are particularly noted, be sure to see his very unusual ( cv/ résumée).
Gordon Frickers fine art has been and is often the choice of distinguished people and renowned companies.
- Quote: Brian Simpson MEP, chairman of the European Parliament Transport and Tourism Committee (2011 to 2014) wrote: “Frickers paintings are marks of our achievement as a people”.
Gordon Frickers art has many qualities that engage us and stimulate your imagination.
A rare vivid sense of emotional and physical presence, a knack of combining abstraction with precise detail, subtle lighting, depth and luminosity. His work is renowned for meticulous preparation and often ground breaking research that goes way beyond normal. is intended to introduce, promote and sell however it is much more, an introduction to many topics that relate to his paintings, people he has met, many unique insights, stories, a versatile artist, his paintings, in particular see his cv/ résumée,
Profit, enjoy!
This is Gordon Frickers second web site, his original web site (mostly marine) was founded in 1999.
Mission statement:
“I set out to be the best painter (and person) I can be, to try to leave the world a slightly better place than we found it, enjoy”.
In the future, I, we, are adding new paintings, publishing more text, extending our research, ‘further reading’ and archive information…

WhatsApp, or Facebook Messenger to ‘gordonfrickers’
Mobile : + 6 10 66 19 26, Landline : + 33 (0) 9 79 01 93 20
E : artistfrickers at
Email: : note, the ‘at’ is to fool robots and should be replaced with @ : if it arrives I always reply.
Websites : (marine & aviation)
& (Landscapes & portraits).
Copyright Gordon Frickers 2024 and legal moral rights for painters
For commercial use our Fees and Terms are among the most generous on the Internet.
Don’t hesitate to ask for details.
Gordon Frickers © 14.12. 2014 updated 09.02.2024.
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