Travel art
Typically Jewish
A typically Jewish response. invites Congresswoman Ilhan #Omar, a ‘religious’ Muslim, following her series of mostly very antisemitic comments, to #Israel “to join our Mission to Israel to see the country for herself”. Generous, open hearted, a response to be proud of. Will U S ‘Democratic Party Congresswoman Ilhan Omar accept? This painting was made after my first … Read more
“Famous Wine Villages of Bordeaux” series experiamental concept sketches worked up today while I have an invitation to use The Painting School of Montmiral; The band were the awesome Los MUSAÏCOS…
Note the word chaos seems to appear in their title, was this a warning? I rather think it was!!!

Concept sketches for the “Famous Wine Villages of Bordeaux series”.
A probable painting resultant from one of the liveliest impromptu afternoons I’ve ever had… at Sauveterre-de-Guyenne fete du vins in the Gironde department (Aquitaine region) of France.
Croquis conceptuels, “Famous Wine Villages of Bordeaux series”.
Pour une peinture résultante probable de l’un des après-midi animés j’ai jamais eu … à Sauveterre-de-Guyenne dans le département de la Gironde (région Aquitaine) de la France.
To seductive Gaillac
To Gaillac, Castelnau de Montmiral and Albi. Later I’ll visit Toulouse too, next week I intend to drive south to the seductive Tarn province.
I’ll be there about a month mostly to paint and meet people.

La semaine prochaine, je compte diriger vers le sud de la province Tarn séduisante.
Je serai là environ un mois la plupart du temps à peindre et de rencontrer des gens.