Brexit and vapour

The atharial morning vapour that is Brexit today, this morning in particular, is likely the most critical day for Britain, the ‘UK’, for the next 25 years. It is for Labour MPs that I write today. Do you realise you are being groomed as useful infidels for a Tory cause that is bigger than Brexit? … Read more

Gaillac sortie

Today, while working on the Titanic / Plymouth painting, in contrast, I am thinking of Gaillac [and Toulouse] beginning to plan for a late November sortie to Bordeaux and Gaillac wine regions, an adventure to be rich with surprises !

Like to join me there?

Dorian Goussetselam practising his art beside the capricious river Tarn.

I have the honour of being invited by the Directrice Pôle Culture & Attractivité to a meeting just before the opening of the next grand festival des lanternes  (1er décembre 2018 – 6 février 2019).

Read moreGaillac sortie

Rosh Hashanah

To my widely dispersed Jewish friends and family, yehi ratzon she-t’hadesh alenu shanah tovah um’tukak [may the final seal be for the good]. Rosh Hashanah, 5780, The Days of Awe, the Jewish New Year, a most serious period in Jewish lives, started this evening.