Wet on wet painting, how do you do that?

81 x 51 cm (32″ x 20″), oils, available for sale.
“La rivière Vilaine, le lever du soleil, le premier jour du printemps.”
81 x 51 cm (32″ x 20″), oils, available for sale.
“La rivière Vilaine, le lever du soleil, le premier jour du printemps.”
New painting beginning, 39 x 47.5 (15 3/8″ x 19″), ???? WordPress HTTP Error !!!! Not to be out done, I’ll show this painting on my other blog www.frickers.co.uk/art/blog and my Facebook page A painting inspired by “a Full Moon Rising Seen Through Breton oaks”. Should I, do I need to do more here ? … Read more
Saint Malo plage morning and after, a fine lunch at the restaurant and bar of Théhillac. I can unreservedly recommend “Les Re 7 d’Antan” at Théhillac. This restaurant, host and hostess, opened about 18 months past, have a growing ‘gourmet’ reputation for good value and quality meals. The master chef Didier is really ‘en forme’. … Read more
Inspiration’s companions include mood, self confidence, concentration; what / who else?
Have you spotted my sketch book bottom right in the first photo?
Yesterday evening at Le Canotier, Théhillac may or may not have been inspired, it certainly produced a reaction from ‘children of all ages’ around me.
Read moreInspiration is a fickle fellow traveler, true or false?