Mayragues today’s agenda including a visit to the 12 th century Château.
Mayrages that is, and my friend, proprietor Alan Geddes.
Mayrages that is, and my friend, proprietor Alan Geddes.
Painting, new, Café des Sports 30 x 40 cm / 12″ x 16″ (offers from 775 £) and its proprietor Madame Roberte Pataluch, a French national treasure, an institution.
Bordeaux Paintings Series : ‘Discovering The Famous Wine Villages of Bordeaux’, France, The World’s Most Renowned Wine Region.
Painting, new, Café des Sports 30 x 40 cm / 12″ x 16″ (offers from 775 £) and its proprietor Madame Roberte Pataluch, a French national treasure, an institution. 30 x 40 cm / 12″ x 16″ (offers from 775 £) Available, offers from £ (or sold) purchase now bank to bank or > with … Read more
Painting Café Culture, one of a series, this is the beginning of a new painting, brimming with potential, quite a small painting, 30 x 40 cm (12″ x 16″ ). The café is rather special and can be discovered in the Medoc region so will fit nicely into my ‘The Famous Wine villages of Bordeaux’, … Read more
The weather here has been beautiful, maybe due to climate change. Beautiful that is if you like blue skies, no rain, good light for painting so I’ve been painting. Is this climate change or a real ‘Flaming June’ as per the old days? Yesterday was exceptionally warm. 49 c in my back garden (officially it … Read more
Sauternes as France eases out of lockdown … I’m reminded of the south and ‘Sauternes, Amber Evening’, my first taste of Sauternes came by chance with the wine inclusive with a meal at the Aberge. ‘Sauternes Amber Evening’ page is revised and updated with more about this village of amber gold. Painting 40 x 50 cm … Read more
‘Golden Dawn’, page and poetry updated, a September the first morning, a new in a fading year, a renewal old and mysterious as time. The South West France Series “Golden Dawn”, Promenade [3] measuring 61 x 91 cm (24″ x 36″) £, € or U S $, 1,500. For Sale > with your credit … Read more
‘Café Culture’, food, art, magic words that = enjoy, Bordeaux France. Page and image updated, enjoy, a café at once typical of café culture in SW France yet illusive to describe as a painting. 20 x 25 cm (8” x 10”), available, price upon application Painting a mini classic for the Bordeaux, “Famous Wine Villages of Bordeaux” series … Read more
Completed ! Painting a typically vivant fête des vins, Sauveterre, Entre Deux Mers, Bordeaux region of France ! 61 x 915 cm (24″ x 36″), available £/€ 1500. > with your credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or £/€, or bank to bank; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers. … Read more