Castle Mayragues (Château de Mayragues)

Mayragues today’s agenda including a visit to the 12 th century Château.

Mayrages that is, and my friend, proprietor Alan Geddes.

Chateau Mayragues,

Discover more via my page Gaillac Châteaux 

Chateau Mayragues
Mayragues, Château
This in part to buy some of their fabulous wine.
Mayragues is documented to have been wine making since at least 1609.
Expect something special !

Read moreCastle Mayragues (Château de Mayragues)

Climate change?

The weather here has been beautiful, maybe due to climate change. Beautiful that is if you like blue skies, no rain, good light for painting so I’ve been painting. Is this climate change or a real ‘Flaming June’ as per the old days? Yesterday was exceptionally warm. 49 c in my back garden (officially it … Read more

autumn mist paintings

‘Golden Dawn’, page and poetry updated, a September the first morning, a new in a fading year, a renewal old and mysterious as time.  The South West France Series   “Golden Dawn”, Promenade [3] measuring 61 x 91 cm (24″ x 36″) £, € or U S $, 1,500. For Sale > with your credit … Read more

Café Culture

‘Café Culture’, food, art, magic words that = enjoy, Bordeaux France. Page and image updated, enjoy, a café at once typical of café culture in SW France yet illusive to describe as a painting. 20 x 25 cm (8” x 10”), available, price upon application Painting a mini classic for  the  Bordeaux, “Famous Wine Villages of Bordeaux”  series  … Read more


In agreement with Geoff Day who wrote on the Rift in Brittany page of Facebook, by way of being ‘helpful’, I added…
Regarding Napoleon / Wellington, I agree with you 100 %.
I’ve also found it helpful to disclaim English involvement in the 100 years war🤪.
I tell French acquaintances, it was the French (that goes down well in l’Occitane and most of western France including Brittany🙂) fighting the Plantagenets & Gascons (all ‘French’ peoples now…) and all due to the Norman uninvited invasion of England.

Read moreAnti-French?