Early stirrings of the birth of a new painting, shown here for those of you who like to follow the painting process and progress.

Drawing? Good paintings start with an idea often best expressed and explored with concept sketches and drawing.
A drawing design for a new painting, a commission to be approximately one meter width, developing in consultation with my client, Charles Count de Noblet d’Angelure, via these concept sketches.

The subject is the town of Gaillac
the intention being to show as many as possible of the main historic elements for which the town is noted, as possible.
To develop this concept I’ve made 4 visits to the location including two with Charles de Noblet and am fortunate to have accessed parts of the river bank not open to the public.
My client is very particular therefore the second concept sketch has been copied to him for his thoughts and further discussion as together we fine tune our ideas and this composition.
It is quite possible this painting will become locally renowned, following in the tracks of my now famous ‘The Port Of Gaillac 1863″ which you can see in the wine museum foyer near Gaillac at Broze.