Snail Mail
The lock on my post box has jammed, even WD 40 would not shift it. Neither the nice lady from La Poste or I couldn’t open it. Meanwhile snails were feasting.
Paintings in Rain
Painting in rain, an experiment, lets see what happens, I donned my ‘oilies’ and chose sandals knowing I’d soon have wet feet even if in boots. here’s the second day, “After Hot Rain”. Given the choice, this technique is how I most like to paint. The view is Castelnau de Montmiral in the remote Tarn … Read more
Castelnau de Montmiral
Castelnau de Montmiral landscape paintings in the remote Tarn. Castelnau de Montmiral is somewhat a second home to me. Many of my most experimental and the best landscapes here on were painted while attending The Painting School of Montmiral, around Montmiral and Gaillac including the break through pair “Red Bales” one and two. … Read more