
BalaBala, bistro and Bar in Redon, produced another winner last Friday.😀
Bala Bala, Redon
BalaBala bistro and bar
Amelik treated us to an hour of rare music, singing in French, Breton, Turkish and Kabyle 🙂
Bala Bala
Amelik at the Bala Bala, Redon.
By the way, the Kabayle tribe/people are a Berber ethnic group indigenous to ‘Kabylia’ in the north of Algeria. 🙂
Bala Bala of Redon
Bala Bala with Amelik
The Kabyle way pre date the arrival of Arabs with Islam.
The now much diminished Jewish population arrived in what is now Algeria around 3 BCE.
Amelik sings
Many French people retain a strong affection for Algeria, it being a former colony. 🙂
“Par le truchement de cette missive j’ai l’honneur de porter à votre connaissance les dernières informations concernant l’actualité culturelle du Bistro ” Le BalaBala” sis au 18 de la rue Saint Michel de cette magnifique ville bretonne… Redon”.🙂⚓
Gordon Frickers paintings
Gordon Frickers paintings, this signature is on all my more recent paintings ©.
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