I’m here to get the Gaillac series as complete as possible before mid October.
Castelnau de Montmiral, as seen on my return
From ‘chez moi’ at CdM:
My CdM house
Being here has many advantages including the wonderful and consistent light, the very rare opportunity to complete paintings on locations and best of all, the chance to speak with proprietors and other, to learn more about this little known yet amazing region, its vines and wines, Gaillac.
Peinture progrès, excellente lumière pour la peinture, des progrès constants avec Chateau de Lacoix, encore un long chemin à parcourir.
Être ici présente de nombreux avantages, y compris la merveilleuse et cohérente la lumière, l’occasion très rare de compléter les peintures sur les lieux et le meilleur de tous, la chance de parler avec les propriétaires et les autres, pour en apprendre davantage sur ce peu connu encore étonnante région, ses vignes et des vins , Gaillac.
Painting progress, excellent light for painting, steady progress with Chateau de Lacoix, still a long way to go.
Down hill, South? Not as planned to Castelnau de Montmiral this week end; victim of a combination of to busy and not enough energy.
Descente, Sud? Non comme prévu à Castelnau de Montmiral ce week end; victime d’une combinaison de l’énergie occupée et ne suffit pas.
Add to that I don’t want to play with the holiday traffic; the drive takes at least 7 hours without that amusement.
Ajoutez à cela que je ne veux pas jouer avec le trafic de vacances; le lecteur prend au moins 7 heures sans que le divertissement. Domaine du Barry , Gaillac 26.08.16
Château de Saurs beginning to happen, to realise it’s potential. To be One of The « Gaillac, surprising vines » series for exhibition 1 st to 20 th December at the invitation of the Municipal de Gaillac, more info on the expo will be posted as soon as Gaillac sends it. I rather Hélène Ancelet and I … Read more
The story updated, latest pictures today, whole story on this web site https://artfrickers.com/gaillac/ You are cordially invited to enjoy the fun and facination of following The Art of Gordon Frickers on his blog and or https://www.facebook.com/gordon.frickers
Castel de Brames, almost completed, this painting is one of the “Gaillac, Surprising Vines” series.
Castel de Brames 07.08.16
The painting will be finished next month on location.
Castel de Brames, presque terminé, cette peinture est l’un des «Gaillac, Vines surprenants” série.
New on this web site, part of the “Gaillac, amazing vines” Series.
Development sketches and pictures appear, the painting will follow soon, are you sitting comfortably?
Château de Saurs in the heart of the gaillac wine region was a chosen subject for a number of special reasons including it is the most classic château in the region and has produced many award winning wines.
Colour beginnings, hot work today, 33 C (91.4 F) in the shade as a few pics taken around my house show. Meanwhile back to the plot, a new painting for those who like to follow the process. Having marked out the design the next issue is to decide which are the underlying power colours. Here … Read more
Dernier soiree hier soir a Domaine Peyres Roses a l’invitation a mon amie Astrid Bonnafont Serre. http://www.domaine-peyresroses.fr/ Today is my last day on this tour of the Tarn. Preparations to leave, the plan says leave early tomorrow morning, now watch that go wrong… and I’ll complete the painting I started yesterday on location at … Read more