Flaming June, risks and rewards??
I’m reminded of #painting ‘Red Bales’ a series of 6.

Red Bales, in their way revolutionary, have influenced many fellow painters and changed my life’.
The ‘Rose’ city, Toulouse, a long drive from Brittany, worth it, the South West is like another world and warm to hot dry weather here. Lunch with Lilly Malek. We have been friends for a decade or more. It’s not a ‘romantic’ relationship in the ‘passionate’ sense. Rather two who live mostly alone, people from … Read more
While driving South in France yesterday from Brittany, I passed Saint Emilion, one of my favourite places to paint. Saint Emilion, a great place to make paintings is for many people Saint Emilion France personified. Saint Emilion is classified as ‘une Petite cité de caractère’ is also justifiably the most famous name for red wine. … Read more
Toooo much rain ??? I am preparing to drive South on Monday to real sunshine and sunflowers To Toulouse, ‘The Rose City’, and the glorious Tarn, join me if you wish or follow my blogs. This charming painting was made on location in the heart of L’Occitane, the Gaillac region of southern France, a region long … Read more
I was asked by on Facebook by a Cornish friend, Helen Thomason to stop the rain… I doubt I’ll have any more luck than King Canute had with stopping the tide however, here is the second painting of a pair, this one made the following day when heavy hot rain finally eased off. Maybe this will … Read more
I’m cut again, this is the third time in 4 years… The connection seems to be working now but for how long? It is very unreliable. I having tried the numerous ‘trick’s I’ve learned for no result. Eventually after much ‘call later we are busy’ when trying the Orange.fr [English Language] help line, I spoke … Read more
Flaming June, risks and rewards??
I’m reminded of #painting ‘Red Bales’ a series of 6.
Red Bales, in their way revolutionary, have influenced many fellow painters and changed my life’.