NEW painting, Saint Emilion, Vines, added to my Bordeaux, “Famous Wine Villages Collection“

Petite cité de caractère, 59 x 90 cm (23 1/4” x 35 1/2”), oils, available, £1900.00
by Gordon Frickers, (ex studio ex frame).
Looking for the best investments in landscapes?
You have found it here.
About this Painting:
While exploring inside this absorbing petite cité de caractère, I also wished to find a grand landscape typical of Saint Emilion showing as many of the key characteristics as possible of this most charming of Bordeaux towns.
This is Saint Emilion, in it’s way one of the most interesting, loveliest towns of France, presented here as a classic view most tourists miss.
Check out the web site page, enjoy ~ and sample the Wines !