On the move

I’m writing from Castelnau de Montmiral.
I’m here to get the Gaillac series as complete as possible before mid October.

Castelnau de Montmiral, as seen on my return
Castelnau de Montmiral, as seen on my return
From ‘chez moi’ at CdM:

My CdM house
My CdM house
Being here has many advantages including the wonderful and consistent light, the very rare opportunity to complete paintings on locations and best of all, the chance to speak with proprietors and other, to learn more about this little known yet amazing region, its vines and wines, Gaillac.
Peinture progrès, excellente lumière pour la peinture, des progrès constants avec Chateau de Lacoix, encore un long chemin à parcourir.
Être ici présente de nombreux avantages, y compris la merveilleuse et cohérente la lumière, l’occasion très rare de compléter les peintures sur les lieux et le meilleur de tous, la chance de parler avec les propriétaires et les autres, pour en apprendre davantage sur ce peu connu encore étonnante région, ses vignes et des vins , Gaillac.
Painting progress, excellent light for painting, steady progress with Chateau de Lacoix, still a long way to go.

Chateau de Lacoix , progress 05.09.16
Chateau de Lacoix , progress 05.09.16
 Meyragues 05.09.16

Meyragues 05.09.16

Meanwhile my impression of Chateau Meyragues, a unique 9 th century building, is almost fixed in oils. 

Meyragues, detail 1, 05.09.16
Meyragues, detail 1, 05.09.16
Meyragues, detail 1, 05.09.16
Meyragues, detail 2, 05.09.16
Warm nights here, good for drying oil paint, no need for pyjam’s… (to much information?) a French friend describe the weather we have here as “a very shinny day”, sunny temps 30 + C (86 + F) . Do you like that? I do.
Tomorrow will be a more challenging day… I have a meeting at the mairie de Gaillac re the new paintings.
Good news the exhibition is confirmed for 1 st to 20 th December
I’ll also have to devote much of the day to my car, there is a serious problem with the motor.
There was almost no oil in the sump when I arrived at Castenau de Montmiral (up to the mark when I left Thehillc 600 miles earlier…) A minor leak has become serious and for me the 2,000 + to have it fixed is serious to.
The car has swerved me very well and is a pleasure to drive, economic, fast, stable, comfortable. Apart from Major Leak, Alls Secure, she is in good nick for her age. It would be a pity to have to scrap her…
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