Salvador Dali, sardines wine art ?

Dali as did many of the greatest painters, sometimes turned his attentions to wine art and food.  

Sardines freshly caught, white wine, sea air, paradise?
Sardines freshly caught, white wine, sea air, paradise?

I like wine art… Do you? 

Dali's Beach...
Dali’s Beach…

My wine art project, « Wine Villages of Bordeaux » and the quest for progressively more advanced ways to express ideas with paint recently lead me half by chance to the house of Salvador Dali.

Read moreSalvador Dali, sardines wine art ?

Project ~ Picturesque Wine Villages of Bordeaux

An Introduction to this project: Bordeaux wine villages The Chateaux and vineyards of Bordeaux have been painted many times including by some very distinguished artists. This wiine villages  project focuses on the villages and communes of Bordeaux, one of the most distinguished interesting and exciting wine producing regions in  France therefore in the world. the … Read more