I’m cut again, this is the third time in 4 years…
The connection seems to be working now but for how long?
It is very unreliable.
I having tried the numerous ‘trick’s I’ve learned for no result.
Eventually after much ‘call later we are busy’ when trying the Orange.fr [English Language] help line, I spoke with a woman [in Tunisia…] who was very helpful and obviously knew the problem by heart [not a good sign].
Not so good, my neighbour tells me she sometimes has the same issue with Orange Livebox not living up to its name, not very ‘live’…
Guided by her it took about an hour to sort out including changing the Livebox password.
She has also ordered a new Livebox for me due on thursady, in theory, if the post works and with C 19 it is running slow, and she will call me to see if it works.
While she was as good as she could be, overall my faith in Orange.fr is at a very low tide line.