Breaking news last Friday: A French Art Museum Finds Out That Half It’s Paintings Are Fake.
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Actually I think this both funny and very sad.
I hate to see people swindled and cheated.
The works are at the (French painter) #ÉtienneTerrus museum at Elne, in the south of France.
It’s been proven 82 works that they had thought were genuine examples of the artist’s work are in fact forgeries.
The paintings cost the museum about €160,000 (£150,000) to purchase.
The mayor of #Elne, Yves Barniol, said in interviews on Friday that the whole things is ‘a disaster’, he made apologies to the people who had visited the museum to see the works before they were known to be fakes.
Some of the paintings feature buildings that were not built before the death of the French painter, obviously couldn’t have been painted by ÉtienneTerrus.
ÉtienneTerrus, 1857, died in 1922, was a friend and huge inspiration to the influential painter Henri Matisse – who is regarded as one of the most important artists of the 20th century.
The police are investigating the case.