Portrait Paintings

Portrait Paintings page is now much improved.

Thoroughly updated this portrait paintings page now includes a NEW painting, new images and revised texts.

Portrait paintings as gifts
Portrait paintings as gifts.

Is there anything as impressive in a home or office as a personalised competent portrait painting?

This Portrait Paintings page now includes this NEW painting,

Medoc paintings
Café Culture painting in the Medoc region of Bordeaux.

A charming double portrait painting measuring 30.5 x 40.5 (12″ x 16″), available, 675 £

> Yours here bank to bank or with your credit card Purchase Now  < via Paypal, in any currency, or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers. 

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Portrait paintings with quality, individual, distinctive, paintings of enduring worth by Gordon Frickers.

Gordon Frickers paintings
Gordon Frickers paintings, this signature is on all my more recent paintings ©.
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