Shabbat shalom.

Today despite wet n windy weather
, I’ll be taking Ellen into Redon for more shopping, again, shopping therapy for her.

Shabbat Dinner, we had a very pleasant Shabbat evening & dinner last night, lots of laughter and with me making Chinese nosh & Ellen made a starter and desert.
To accompany the meal I served a rare white wine from Château de Saurs, Gaillac. Most of the de Saurs wines go to their chain of 7 restaurants.
Luckily the Parton and me are friends.
I painted his grand château when I lived in the Gaillac area.
I also opened a Grand Cru Saint Emilion 2010from château Peyrelongue.
The latter is irreplaceable and now on my short list of the finest, most tasty, wines I’ve ever drunk.