Maritime paintings, does best in marine paintings interest you, to buy, sell, invest in, or learn from, yes?
You may well enjoy following the creation of this new painting which I am quietly confident is going to become well know, iconic and this painting, direct from the artist will begin life modestly priced.
Can you guess the subject and location of this evolving painting?
This painting first appeared in a rudimentary ‘concept’ form on my Facebook page, 23 June this year.
Here is a clue.
This painting will be a new edition to my Nelson and Trafalgar series, url .
Of this series, many of the paintings are proving their worth as authors, video makers, educators and others ask for limited copyright licences.
At least two of this series of paintings can be considered, within their niche, as already well known, well on their way to being famous, can you guess which one’s?