Painting in rain, an experiment, lets see what happens, I donned my ‘oilies’ and chose sandals knowing I’d soon have wet feet even if in boots.
here’s the second day, “After Hot Rain”.
Given the choice, this technique is how I most like to paint.
The view is Castelnau de Montmiral in the remote Tarn province of l’Occitaine, my ‘second home’.
That summer we had some heavy thunderstorms off the Pyrenees.
As June continues to entertain us with turbulent weather, rather than not paint I donned my ‘oilies’ and chose sandals knowing I’d soon have wet feet even if in boots, it was that kind of day with a typical storm that had drifted off the overheated Pyrenees Mountains.
This was painted while wearing an odd combination, sandals, shorts, T shirt and my red sea jacket.
You can find this gem on page “After Hot Rain” measures 40 x 50 cm (15¾” x 19¾”) and is an absolute bargain at a mere £2,000.00