Animal Rights:
Farmers blame badgers for cattle TB?
Droits des animaux:
Les agriculteurs accusent les blaireaux pour la tuberculose du bétail, QUOI ?
Cattle left out 24/7 in all weathers, summer and winter, with no shelter, not even a decent hedge or copse of trees, and the peasants blame BADGERS !
In the ‘good old’ days livestock were kept under the house at night. It must have been noisy, stinky but they were safe and warm; warmed the house too with their body heat.
When I first went to Castelnau de Montmiral in ’89 there was still an old paysant (farmer) who dutifully bought his cattle into a barn in the village every morning…
Some people objected; I like it despite the mess they made (actually not much).
If I owned anything as valuable as a herd of cattle I’d take better care of them for the twin reasons they are living beings and to protect my investment.
No wonder so many men have said “life is better at sea”.