I have arrived safely after a 7.5 hour drive to the Tarn at Castelnau de Montmiral and ran straight into a crisis.
The most important of the frames I’d ordered have not been delivered by DHL, only 2 of the 3 packages…
I’m supposed to be framing today and hanging tomorrow.
Naturally they would be the most important frames for the star paintings in the exhibition.
Naturally it’s for one of the large paintings, “Chateau de Saurs”…
I’m not entirely surprised by the foul up.
I’d arrived with a couple of days in reserve so so I thought (wrong…) just in case of a problem like this one.
Chasing up via my supplier, who could not have shown more concern, been more helpful, I’m told it will be delivered today.
In this case “seeing is believing”.
Why was it not delivered with the others? Don’t even ask!
Who want’s to be an artist?
More and more, I know how van Gogh felt…