
“Famous Wine Villages of Bordeaux” series experiamental concept sketches worked up today while I have an invitation to use The Painting School of Montmiral; The band were the awesome  Los MUSAÏCOS

Note the word chaos seems to appear in their title, was this a warning? I rather think it was!!!

Los Musiacos concept sketch 1
Los Musaicos concept sketch 1

Concept sketches for the “Famous Wine Villages of Bordeaux series”.
A probable painting resultant from one of the liveliest impromptu afternoons I’ve ever had… at Sauveterre-de-Guyenne fete du vins in the Gironde department (Aquitaine region) of France.

Croquis conceptuels, “Famous Wine Villages of Bordeaux series”.

Pour une peinture résultante probable de l’un des après-midi animés j’ai jamais eu … à Sauveterre-de-Guyenne dans le département de la Gironde (région Aquitaine) de la France.

Le groupe était le génial

Los Musiacos concept sketch 2
Los Musaicos  concept sketch 2

A few of years back I stopped at Sauveterre intending a quick lunch and few photos & sketches of the fete I knew was in progress while en route to Saint Emilion.
Little did I know…

Los MUSAÏCOS concept sketch 4
Los MUSAÏCOS concept sketch 4

I found myself invited to join the fun, eating with the locals who insisted I try rather a lot of the wines; saying don’t worry about driving, the chief of police is here with us and has given all his men the day off…

Los MUSAÏCOS concept sketch 5
Los MUSAÏCOS concept sketch 5

Half an hour turning into a long very noisy ‘Bandas music at very full volume, musicians on the tables; well, look at the sketches… some afternoon that was.
To begin your education in fully understanding what happened, the Bandas music, Los Muscaicos style you need to play it FULL BLAST while drinking Entre Deux Mer wines from Bordeaux with friends, ideally at congenial Sauveterre de Guyenne.

Los MUSAÏCOS concept sketch 6
Los MUSAÏCOS concept sketch 6

Eventually I arrived before dusk, safely, very pleased with life, very relaxed, at St Emilion.
Can I paint something of the spirit of that afternoon?
Obviously that is impossible so I’ll try and see what happens.
Hence these concept sketches…



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