Marine art of wine art, a blend?

‘The Picturesque Wine Villages of Bordeaux’ series.”Bourg Regatta”.

Bourg Regatta
Bourg Regatta

This now completed landscape painting or is it a marine painting…? measuring 53 x 81 cms (21” x 32”), oils is now available for exhibition and a good home.

Bourg Regatta 02.07
Bourg Regatta 02.07

My intention was to keep the scene as simple and powerful as possible, atmosphere and emotion before detail and precision.
You can discover more about this appealing project

Bourg Regatta (as finished) detail 2
Bourg Regatta (as finished) detail 2

Wine Art? Or Marine Art?

Bourg Regatta detail 5
Bourg Regatta detail 5

You tell me?

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