The Golden age, golden thoughts

A Facebook friend, a new one, the very talented Senor Vaccaro asked about “the dream painting of “The Golden Age” “?
A very good question.
” Is there anything remarkable about the location? It is a beautiful piece!”

The Golden Age, detail 5
The Golden Age, detail 5

Certainly the location exists; partly in us all, and at the new castle upon the hill of the far seeing, a bastide in SW France, Castelnua de Montmiral.

The Golden Age
The Golden Age

The location exists; partly in us all; partly at the new castle upon the hill of the far seeing, a bastide, Castelnau de Montmiral.
I suggest the painting is part of my/our feelings, myths, dreams, ideals.

The Golden Age, detail 2
The Golden Age, detail 2

I am experimenting with increasingly exploring those and similar qualities  in my paintings.
I shall paint this scene again in a different way, and several others of similar aura.
I need a patron or sponsor so I have more time to paint where no one has painted before….
I find my work is increasingly turning to feelings, aspirations, inspiration, dreams.
Maybe I am cracking up, maybe I am navigating “uncharted waters where monsters do live”?

The Golden Age, detail 3
The Golden Age, detail 3
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