Inspiration is a fickle fellow traveler, true or false?

Inspiration’s companions include mood, self confidence, concentration; what / who else?
Have you spotted my sketch book bottom right in the first photo?

Le Canotier, Thehillac 16.07.17
Le Canotier, Thehillac 16.07.17

Yesterday evening at Le Canotier, Théhillac may or may not have been inspired, it certainly produced a reaction from ‘children of all ages’ around me.

Le Canotier, Théhillac 16.07.17
Le Canotier, Théhillac 16.07.17
Le Canotier, Thehillac 16.07.17
Le Canotier, Thehillac 16.07.17

Read moreInspiration is a fickle fellow traveler, true or false?