As with sunrise, I’m just beginning to emerge from my birthday week end.

I am exhausted so clearly it was a success!
My very sincere thank you to each and every one of you who kindly thought to make the week end even better by sending your good wishes and especially for Matt Burton for his help setting up and Richard Burstow who having driven from England was a great and patient support.
I hope I’ve replied individually to all of you if not be so kind as to excuse me.
I was up at 06.00 to drive my beloved son to the ferry at St Malo, I was sad to see him sail, very please he came all the way from Bristol for ‘my’ week end, bless him. A 5 hour round trip for me so I fell asleep when I got home…
This sunrise was painted at Castelnau de Montmiral on an August 7th morning, a date Nike Williams and Jacquie Hinves will recall !
The sunrise series, all painted ‘plien aire’, on location as it happened, can be found at : Enjoy !