Combating January Blues… and by way of getting my painting started this year I’ve reworked this painting and added a ‘Further reading’ page
by Gordon Frickers 61 x 81 cm (24″ x 32″), oils £1500.00
The painting
Haunting, sultry, symbolic, inspired by a dream, inspire by an event, inspired by a loss, painted because I wanted to, had to.
An emotional painting that means different things to different people…
“I believe that this one is most inspirational… In a very different way than previous art that I have seen of yours!
I love how you captured the quality without sacrificing detail“. (Carol Lynn 03.04.2016 via Facebook)
Discover more at “Last Night“…
To acquire or commission a similar painting
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“Who ever loved yet loved not at first sight?” ~ Christopher Marlowe, play-write, poet, English agent, Marlowe greatly influenced William Shakespeare, died age 29; 26 February 1564 – 30 May 1593.