I wish YOU a merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah and a healthy, prosperous 2017
ashore and afloat, past and present, wishing for you my friends.
Je vous souhaite un joyeux Noël, Hanukkah heureux et un sain, prospère 2017,
To all my friends, new and older, close and not so close, to those steady on the helm, to those melted away as sometimes has to happen, none the less appreciated, to those I see often and those seen rarely, thank you all, for your humour, intelligence, support, kindness and the desire we share to try and make this world a safer, more humane place, I am enriched by your support and friendships,
I feel privileged to know so many fascinating, clever, decent people. I shall raise a glass on New Year’s eve, “to absent friends” and wish you all good, fast, safe sailing with fair breezes through out 2017.