Form Line of Battle

Form Line of Battle, Nelson was a man who lead from the front hence this impressive sight, a maritime painting with HMS HMS Victory leading her division.

Form Line of Battle, 11.00, Monday, 21st October, 1805, Nelson’s Column. Form Line of Battle, Nelson was a man who lead from the front hence this impressive sight, a maritime painting with HMS Victory leading her division. This painting is based upon the ship’s logs, diaries, letters and the Admiralty Committee Report on Trafalgar for … Read more

Trafalgar Dawn

Trafalgar paintings

Trafalgar Dawn, Monday, 21st October 1805 at approximately 06.15 , Trafalgar Dawn, the French Perspective. You are seeing what the men on the French flagship Beaucenture described, the British fleet of Lord Nelson off Cape Trafalgar. The website url is…/trafalgar-dawn-the-french…/ The research for this definitive painting took 10 years to complete during which I … Read more

Painting Package

Painting Package direct from the artist

Painting Package ‘d and on its way today😃, another painting🎨, framed with one of my special hand made ‘nautical’ frames😊 This painting has been produced in secret🤫. The painting is to be a birthday gift and is likely to become an heirloom🌞. I’ll be able to tell you the story very soon😊⚓️

Masada, Israel

Masada awesome painting in Israel

Massive Masada, few painting better sense the gaunt, lonely, arid, almost unassailable, haunted and spiritual experience that is Masada. Masada see through the eyes and senses of a poetical painter. Masada challenges you physically, poetically and spiritually. 3 million years of evolution, earth quakes, poor farming methods, changing trades and wars have all left their … Read more

Six Legged elephant

Carcassonne paintings

I’ve resumed painting this week. J’ai repris la peinture cette semaine. The Six Legged Elephant painting is on the move, progressing (at last!), getting the architecture ‘right’ is time consuming, has to be done even as you will soon see, though I’ll loose most of it in the finished painting. La peinture de l’éléphant à … Read more