Balabala soirée, Redon, 08.11.24, well entertained by the ‘Beating Odessa’, many calls of “encore”, always a nice compliment.😃
This was my first evening out since my injury on September 15th so I intended to stay just 1 hour.
Nop, no chance, it’s France, it’s Brittany, it’s the Balabala of Redon with its congenial, welcoming atmosphère.
I found I’d not been forgotten.
I found myself having to return repeatedly to my car for ‘fliers’ about my work, then for my Canon for these photos.
To our host & hostess who recalled were soon added several new acquaintances and a potential friend who speaks 4 languages, is a fellow painter and much more.
My thanks to all who made me and others feel so welcome.🙂⚓