Google Stupidity

Google Stupidity. Is your mobile phone 100 % reliable everywhere all the time?

GoogleGoogle thinks it is.

It is bad enough that Google discriminates by giving SEO low ratings to websites like my two sites while blatantly promoting the ‘big boys’ who can afford to pay staff to ensure their business has a high SEO rating.

Now this new folly…

This is yet another not very well thought out idea that discriminates against our freedoms just as Search Engine Optimisation favours businesses who can pay staff to ensure high SEO ratings.

Likewise Google helps banks and other bigger businesses at the expense of the us more numerous ‘little fish’.
Hands up who has this rather arrogant message from Google?
Copy, share if you wish to protests this folly.
It looks like Irish staff at Google blithely assume everyone has a mobile phone and that it works 100 % of the time?
It’s not just google who are making this fundamental error, banks and a few other businesses are too.


Google’s Message reads :

2-Step Verification is on for your account
After you enter your password, you’ll complete a second step on your phone. Keep your phone nearby when you sign in.
Learn more
Why is my sign-in changing?
Using a second step to sign in makes your account much more secure.
Learn how this protects your account
How does it work?
After you enter your password, you’ll tap a Google prompt on your phone or get a sign-in code to enter (charges from your operator may apply).
Update your phone and recovery email
You can also see security activity at
To : Google <>
Wed, 8 Dec, 13:42 (20 hours ago)
to Artistfrickers
From : You received this email to let you know about important changes to your Google Account and services.
© 2021 Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. 🙂⚓
Gordon Frickers art signature
This Gordon Frickers art signature is on all my more recent paintings.
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