Home and settling in.
The garden ‘meadow’ needs sorting. I’m a seaman not a gardener, still, i’ll enjoy the gentle exercise.
1st of May
“zummer is acome unto day in the merry merry month of May” as the folk sing in another Celtic village, Padstow, Cornwall while the ‘Obbu ‘Oss dances.
Been there quite a few times, done that quite a few times when I lived at Falmouth back in the 1970’s; many happy days they were too.

I was in Falmouth recently to see my friend Sir robin Knox-Johnston re enter the port, same day, same hour, same minute, 50 years after his return completing the first solo circumnavigation as commemorated by my now famous painting for Robin, which he named “Roaring Forties”.

There are a few co signed prints left if you want one order it PDQ [pretty damn quick].
The event was followed by a very plea sent party given by the Royal Cornwall Yacht Club.

Next will be to prepare some prints for posting tomorrow, ordered while I was on tour and follow up some leads.