The Port of Gaillac 1863 painting shows you in detail the port at the zenith of its activity, before the advent of steam trains.

200 X 100 cm (6′ 9” ″ x 3′ 3″) sold.
This Gaillac painting was specially commissioned for and is on display at the Museum “InVINcible VIGNEron” at Broze near Gaillac
The choice of many distinguished people and renowned companies, Gordon Frickers is widely considered a master of spectacular painting as indicated by his unusual resumée.
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The port Gaillac as painted here is the principal reason for Gaillac’s success until the commencement of steam railway in 1864.
The original idea came to me while standing on the river bank, I was thinking of sailing upon the capricious river Tarn.
I chose the date when the river traffic was at its height, with over 200 barges (gaborre) registered at the Captainerie, a year before the first steam train arrived at Gaillac.
In Gaillac Bertrand de Vivies, conservateur en chef des musées de Gaillac, said to me, “many ports have their famous ‘quay’ paintings, Bordeaux, Toulon, Marseilles, Brest. Now at last, Gaillac has its ‘quay’ painting“.
“more than a match for anything in the Musee d’Orsay” said Alain Soreano of Gaillac, author and historian.
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“The Port of Gaillac 1863” is for long centuries sited at the navigable head of the River Tarn hence giving it’s name to the regional wines and typical of an up river port in South West France for the period 1820 to 1865.
Gaillac 1863 is the year before the first steam train arrived at Gaillac, the river traffic was at its height, with over 200 barges (gaborre) registered at the Captainerie.
Unusually this picture I painted at the museum in the foyer thus the picture became for many months a ‘happening’, an added attraction at the museum.
Produced as always by Frickers, on time in budget, was commissioned as a foyer centre piece for the Museum ‘inVINcible VIGNEron‘ at Tres Cantons, Montels, near Gaillac and as such has proven one of the most memorable impressions taken by visitors to the museum.
Further reading Main Text.
You can discover via the ‘main text’ link on this page how the port was researched including a discoveries that surprised even the experts and the page details how the painting conceived and created.
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“The painting is even more beautiful in person than online. I love the texture and the use of light“.
John J. Hogerty II Executive Vice President & General Counsel, Bergstrom Corporation of his newly acquired painting, 12.12.2022, quoted for you with his kind permission.
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Gordon Frickers © 23.02.2015 updated 04.03.2023
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