Saint Emilion, the world famous “Château Ausone” is on the South Eastern edge of the picturesque Saint Emilion, the first you see when approaching by road.
One of The « Picturesque Wine Villages of Bordeaux, France » series.

Painting by Gordon Frickers, painting 40 x 50 cm (15¾” x 19¾”), £ 1500.
Any reputable gallery would be delighted to offer this painting for this price…
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The painting / tableau
“The Château Ausone” was painted on location, ‘plien aire’.
Today the scene is little changed.
The famous Château Ausone estate occupies a prime site overlooking the Dordogne Valley and besides superb wines, it is particularly noted for its ancient chapelle.
Château Ausone, one of the most ancient properties at St Emilion has an interesting history.
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Gordon Frickers © updated 27.02.2024
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