« Vin, au Chateau, Gaillac » series.
“more than a match for anything in the Musee d’Orsay” ~ Alain Soreano

“Château Lastours”, Tarn Province, near Gaillac, 61 x 915 cm (24″ x 36″), oils, by Gordon Frickers, available, £3,500.
An ancient chateau in the Gaillac Region of the Tarn province, one of the paintings Alain Soreano introduced the inaugural showing of this ‘Gaillac Collection’ at the Maison Culturale, Ville de Gaillac, an exhibition, December 2016.
About this painting:
‘Chai’ is an invitation, a word most often used in South West France meaning this way to drink wine samples.
People arriving to explore the wines and gardens are included in this beautiful painting.
A painting to make one feel warm and relaxed every time you see it on your wall.
“Chai” est un invitation, un mot le plus souvent utilisé dans le Sud-Ouest de la France = boire des échantillons de vin! D’où les gens qui arrivent inclus dans cette belle peinture.
Une peinture pour vous faire sentir bien chaque fois que vous le voyez sur votre mur.

“Château Lastours”, painted near Gaillac, in the heart of L’Occitane, a region long aeons famous for wines fit for kings.
T: + 44 (0)1865 52 2435 Mobile 00 33 (0) 6 10 66 19 26 or Skype ‘gordonfrickers’
Email (note, I’ve used ‘at’ please substitute @): artistfrickersatgmail.com
Contactez Nous T : + 44 (0) 18 65 52 24 35, M: 06 10 66 19 26
ou par Skype » gordonfrickers ~ Email : info@nullartfrickers.com

The painting
The remarkable Gaillac Collection, completed on location by kind permission of the owner/family during October 2016

To acquire this or commission a similar painting, a pleasure to own, a sound investment, you can purchase in easy stages.
To make a purchase the easiest way is bank to bank, ask for details, or using PayPal via the Purchase Page.
Contact US ~ T:+ 44 (0)1865 52 2435 or Skype ‘gordonfrickers’
whatsapp, or phone M: + 33 (0)6 10 66 19 26
Email ~ Important ! please substitute ‘@’ for ‘at’: artistfrickersatgmail.com
Best value, buy from a dedicated artist- buy from a reputable, established artist direct from his studio.
Further reading: see the images and the development of this painting.
Contactez Nous T : + 44 (0) 18 65 52 24 35, M: 06 10 66 19 26
ou par Skype » gordonfrickers Email : info@nullartfrickers.com
Copyright 2017:
Copyright fees and our Terms are among the most generous on the Internet, don’t hesitate to ask for details by email, whatsapp, or phone+ 44 (0)1865 52 2435 M: + 33 (0)6 10 66 19 26
Gordon Frickers © 16,07,2016, updated 24.08.16, 27.08.2016, 03.10.2016, 03.04.2017, 23.09.2017, 05.03.2018, 06.06.2018, 20.10.2018