The ‘Picturesque Wine Villages of Bordeaux‘ collection, available including for exhibition.

By Gordon Frickers, measures 40 x 60 cms, (24″ x 16″), oils, sold.
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T: + 44 (0)1865 52 2435 or Skype ‘gordonfrickers’
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The Painting
St Emilion is not a big town, mostly focused on good eating and wine, the town even smells of red wine for most of the year.
Most visitors only have time to see the principal sites of St Emilion so miss much of Saint Emilion’s charm and serenity.
The alley ways of St Emilion offer those who give them the time, rich rewards.
This original given as gift to M. et Mme J. Linquette of Brest who inspired this project, in appreciation of their extraordinary support, hospitality and friendship.
We hope you to enjoyed your visit here, found things you like and follow our posts. Kindly spread the word to all collectors you know to help us make this project a success for those who appreciate fine art and for the whole art community.
You can purchase via our ‘Payments‘ page using Paypal or bank to bank
By arrangement payments can be in installments.
T: + 44 (0)1865 52 2435 or Skype ‘gordonfrickers’
E: info@artfrickers.
Copyright 2016:
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For professional purposes we are happy to issue licences.
Always credit his name and where possible this web site.
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Respect the long hours, years, the art and texts, don’t infringe.
Our fees are friendly our terms always reasonable.
Gordon Frickers © 19.02.15 updated 28,03,16, 28.08.2016
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