Pomerol Paintings in the Bordeaux region of France.
A warm ant-dote in the depths of winter, thinking of summer to come.
Replanted #vines are a natural part of life’s cycle as you can see here at Pomerol, #Bordeaux region with my painting ‘Baby Vines’.

Pomerol Painting 51 x 81 cm (20” x 32”) £2,500.
One of the most accomplished paintings in the entire collection, if you like what you see here I guarantee you will love the original
“It is even more beautiful in person than online. I love the texture and the use of light“.
Quote by kind permission of John J. Hogerty II Executive Vice President & General Counsel, Bergstrom Corporation of his newly acquired painting, 12.12.2022.
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Pomerol Paintings
The sight of the baby vines, the future of Pomerol, painted under a luminous sky.

This painting is one of my extraordinary Famous #wine villages of Bordeaux series, many created on location, as yet never exhibited, this summer 2023 I plan to be painting in the region again & looking for places to exhibit.

The formidable reputation of Pomerol, an outstanding reputation, several châteaux from the Right Bank have become status symbols. that lead me to look carefully under the towering skies and mostly flat plateau lands of Pomerol.
There is much less of a salt water maritime influence on the Right (North) Bank to draw our artist from the sea…

The history of Pomerol goes back a long way, quality remains high, some people even prefer Pomerol wines to Saint Emilion; a formidable reputation means Pomerol growers can not rest on their laurels.
I recalled from adolescence, Pomerol was one of my Father’s three preferred red wines.
An elegant painting which speaks of famous Pomerol past, present and future.
‘Famous Wine Villages of Bordeaux’ series.
“It is even more beautiful in person than online. I love the texture and the use of light” wrote John J. Hogerty II, Executive Vice President & General Counsel, Bergstrom Corporation of his newly acquired painting, 12.12.2022.
Many distinguished people and renowned companies chose Frickers paintings as you can discover by reading my illustrated résumée.
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Gordon Frickers © 15.02.2015 updated 27.02.2023
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