Sunset paintings 10 August

Sunset painting 10 August, an impossible to painting? Lets see what happens…

John Mitchell, the distinguished art teacher from St Ives saw the series and of this painting said, ‘it’s perfect, don’t ever sell it”.

Perfect Sunset Paintings
Le Lac de Vere et Foret de Gresigne, a detail

40 x 50 cm (15¾” x 19¾”), a bright investment for 1,500 £,  Gordon Frickers paintings.

Sunset paintings
Sunset, perfect.


Sunset paintings

Impossible to paint? Lets see what happens…

By the 10 th of august the weather was showing signs of change which we can ‘read’ in this sunset.

This abstracted painting of a sunset over the Vere Valley and forest of Grisigne represented what is for a painter, a high risk series, a leap into the unknown…

During a period of several weeks stable very hot weather and drought in the Tarn Province of Midi Pyrenees, France, I’d watched some of the most fiery sunsets I’ve seen.

While admiring them as one does I began to think, why not try, Why not, fear of failure?

Encouraged by my friend and mentor Francis Pratt of Painting School of Montmiral, this series and ‘Sunrise Project’ each painted spontaneously, most were painted over a period of about a month.

Chekhov wrote about the power of narratives, paintings too are narratives,  to summon the reader, draw them on.

Both the future and the past are narratives.


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To make a purchase the easiest way is bank to bank, ask for details, or using PayPal via the Purchase Page.

More than a match for anything in the Musee d’Orsay”

says Alain Soreano, author, historian, poet, Maire-Adjoint, Chargé de la Culture et du Patrimoine, Ville de Gaillac, when introducing The Frickers Exhibition, December 2016.

Best value, buy from a dedicated artist- buy from a reputable, established artist direct from his studio.

Many distinguished people and renowned companies chose Frickers paintings as you can discover by reading my illustrated résumée.

Gordon Frickers paintings have distinctive, enduring qualities in part because he has an unusually rich form of colour vision, qualities, gifts he has in common with some of the greatest past masters including Cézanne Degas, Dürer, Titian and Rembrandt, Monet.

Gordon Frickers is one of the very few artists invited to created a one man show of (35) paintings (May 2011) at the European Parliament, Brussels, an impressive addition to his list of exhibitions in other prestigious venues in Britain and Europe.

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Gordon Frickers © updated 09.09.2024

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