Moonlight fascinates many of us with its elusive beauty so why not try and make paintings of its qualities?

39 x 47, (15″ x 18″), 400 £
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40 x 30 cm (16″ x 12″), 450 £, Moonlight over the Gironde Estuary near Pauillac.
The meeting between the river Gironde and the Atlantic Ocean creates an original and unique environment, a wonderfully atmospheric, romantic place to view a moonrise.
if you like moon light
if you like what you see here you will love the painting, guaranteed !
Many distinguished people and renowned companies chose Frickers paintings as you can discover by reading my illustrated résumée.
Gordon Frickers EU
Gordon Frickers is one of the very few artists invited to created a one man show of (35) paintings (May 2011) at the European Parliament, Brussels.
WhatsApp, or Facebook Messenger to ‘gordonfrickers’
Mobile : + 6 10 66 19 26, Landline : + 33 (0) 9 79 01 93 20
E : artistfrickers at
Email: : note, the ‘at’ is to fool robots and should be replaced with @ : if it arrives I always reply.
Websites : (marine & aviation)
& (Landscapes & portraits).
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Gordon Frickers © updated 28.12.2023
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