Castelnau de Montmiral painting on location in a heatwave in the heart of l’Occitane.
The South West France Collection.

Castelenau de Montmiral painting a heatwave, 40 x 50 cm (15¾” x 19¾”), £1,500
a remarkable painting made on location by Gordon Frickers.
> yours now £ bank to bank or by credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.
Castelenau de Montmiral, a landscape of sun, harvested crops, sunflowers, wild forests and much more, the Tarn region, France in the heart of a region long aeons famous for wines chosen for kings and queens.
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Castelnau painting
This remarkable landscape painting created very near Castelnau de Montmiral in the Tarn, France is a carefully created view of this celebrated 13 th century bastide.
Castelnau as painted here is one of many of experimental paintings I made while based at the Painting School of Montmiral, France, studying colour relationships and my natural colour response produced on location, ‘plien aire’ during the summer heat and severe drought.
Frickers paintings have been and are the choice of many distinguished people and renowned companies.
Frickers is widely considered one of the new masters of 21 st century painting, as indicated by Frickers unusual resumée.
Gordon Frickers paintings have distinctive, enduring qualities in part because he has an unusually rich form of colour vision, qualities, gifts he has in common with some of the greatest past masters including Cézanne Degas, Dürer, Titian and Rembrandt, Monet.
Contact Frickers paintings and prints
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Landline : + 33 (0) 9 79 01 93 20
Mobile : + 6 10 66 19 26, E : artistfrickers at
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Fees and our Terms are among the most generous on the Internet.
Don’t hesitate to ask for details.
Gordon Frickers © updated 27.07.2022
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