Gaillac Collection, painted for the « vin, au Chateau, Gaillac, an exhibition at the invitation of the Municipal of Gaillac (Mairie).
Peyres Roses, Sunset 17 th September

A landscape painting measuring 63 x 81 cm (25.5” x 32”), oils, available, £2,000.
To make a purchase the easiest way is bank to bank, ask for details, or using PayPal via the Purchase Page.
Contact US ~ T:+ 44 (0)1865 52 2435 or Skype ‘gordonfrickers’
whatsapp, or phone M: + 33 (0)6 10 66 19 26
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Best value, buy from a dedicated artist- buy from a reputable, established artist direct from his studio.
The painting
This domaine is seated on the heights above Gaillac near Cahuzac sur Vere so I’ve opted for a typical summer evening, the sort of evening I have painted ‘plien aire’ many times.

It follows that the colouring here is based upon my working sketches, used as reference material.
Peyres Roses set me particular challenges, not least because I found much to admire at the domaine de Peyres Roses.

The domaine is rich in subject matter as varied as the 150,000 bees and livestock they keep to the remarkable Astrid and her four sons.
I can recommend the wines too!
The Gaillac region is blessed with a microclimate that produces relatively reliable weather, in general ‘summer’ lasts from June to November.
That means good light for painting, consistent wines and plenty of opportunity for out door activities which the Tarnais take very full advantage of .
Astrid Bonnafont Serre and her four sons have made their domaine one of the most fascinating in the Gaillac region, department of Tarn.
Aside from Astrid’s vision and perseverance, each one of Astrid’s four sons brings his own specialty to the domaine, in practice, a strong harmonious team.
People, mostly young, come from all over the world to stay, work and learn at the very environmentally friendly Pyres Roses.
You can discover more by visiting Peyres Roses neat Cahuzac (81140) a mile or so off the Gaillac to Cordes sur Ciel road or on line via
It is also possible to find Peyres Roses wines, much appreciated by a young audience looking for something special that their parents don’t drink, in some London wine bars; if you are lucky!
This a place I’d like to return to and paint again.
By arrangement payments can be in installments.
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To make a purchase the easiest way is bank to bank, ask for details, or using PayPal via the Purchase Page.
Contact US ~ T:+ 44 (0)1865 52 2435 or Skype ‘gordonfrickers’
whatsapp, or phone M: + 33 (0)6 10 66 19 26
Email ~ Important ! please substitute ‘@’ for ‘at’:
Best value, buy from a dedicated artist- buy from a reputable, established artist direct from his studio.
Contactez Nous T : + 44 (0) 1865 52 2435 ou par Skype » gordonfrickers Email : info @ Vous êtes cordialement invités à suivre L’art de Gordon Frickers sur le BLOG et via
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Gordon Frickers © updated 25,11,2016, 12.12.2016, 22.05.2018, 06.06.2018, 06.09.2018
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