Carcassonne painting, atmospheric, poetic, romantic, an ideal way to remember this iconic monument, Carcassonne.

Now gains the struggling light upon the skies,
And far away the the glistening vapours sail,
Down rough steeps the local vinter hyes,
First warmth in brightness is seeping through the vale.
Carcassonne painting 76 x 121 cm (30″ x 48″), 1875 £, a very special way to remember the most famous monument between Monte Carlo and Bordeaux, the city of Carcassonne.
yours now £ bank to bank or by credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.

Sunrise over the Black Mountains.

Painting poetry, one of my accliamed South West France series.
A typical endorsement 12.12.2022 « It is even more beautiful in person than online. I love the texture and the use of light. It will be treasured by us as a memory of a great trip and will be the highlight of Morgan’s Christmas morning”.
Quoted with the kind permission of John J. Hogerty, II, Executive Vice President & General Counsel, Bergstrom Corporation.

Carcassonne painting
Carcassone and the National Park in the Black Mountains when you explore them may well remind you of tales of Middle Earth.

Carcassone and the Black Mountains when you explore them may well remind you of tales of Middle Earth.

Take a lunch or dinner in Carcassonne’s central place or stay in the luxurious hotel, you never know who you might meet.
The long list of celebrities is as varied as Mark Twain, Walt Disney, Mik Jagger, and Winston Churchill.

Carcassonne is a legendary almost fairy tale city set among vines, pines, herbs and wild flowers in the beautiful Aude valley, hard by the sparkling Aude river between the Black Mountains and the Pyrenees in the heart of Cathar country.
Painting a perfect way to remember Carcassonne today and the Carcassonne of the Cathars.
Gordon Frickers
These paintings have distinctive, resonating, enduring qualities in part because Gordon Frickers has an unusually rich form of colour vision.
These are qualities are gifts he has in common with some of the greatest past masters including Cézanne Degas, Dürer, Titian and Rembrandt, Monet.
Gordon Frickers is one of the very few artists invited to created a one man show of (35) paintings (May 2011) at the European Parliament, Brussels, an impressive addition to his list of exhibitions in other prestigious venues in Britain and Europe.
Carcassonne visit leaves you wanting more and this painting is your perfect souvenir.
Further reading, photo details, main text
contact us.
Many distinguished people and renowned companies chose Frickers paintings as you can discover by reading my illustrated résumée;
Gordon Frickers paintings are recognised as having unique, enduring qualities.
A timeless painting to give you pleasure every time you see it upon your wall
A painting that will hang comfortably with the finest collections.
Looking for the best in fine art investments?
You have found one here.
1,875 £, > yours now £ bank to bank or by credit card Purchase Now < via Paypal, in any currency, or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.
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Gordon Frickers © 28.02.2016 updated 22.12.2024
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