Pomerol painting in and around one of the grandest of all names among fine wines, Pomerol.

Pomerol, ‘Baby Vines’ 53 x 81 cm (21” x 32”), 2,500 £
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Pomerol paintings around tranquil Pomerol
You could like to become one of the distinguished few who own an original Frickers painting.
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with your credit card via Paypal, in any currency, or £, or for easy bank to bank see the Payments page; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.
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Bordeaux, “Famous Wine Villages of Bordeaux” series
Many distinguished people and renowned companies chose Frickers paintings as you can discover by reading my illustrated résumée.
“It is even more beautiful in person than online. I love the texture and the use of light” wrote John J. Hogerty II, Executive Vice President & General Counsel, Bergstrom Corporation of his newly acquired painting, 12.12.2022.

Pomerol Painting 25 x 35 cm (9¾” x 13¾”), available, £ 650.
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with your credit card via Paypal, in any currency, or £, or for easy bank to bank see the Payments page; or in instalments by arrangement, contact Gordon Frickers.
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You can purchase securely via our ‘Payments Page‘ using Paypal or bank to bank.
We give you an unrivalled guarantee.
“More than a match for anything in the Musee d’Orsay” ~ Alain Soreano, author, historian [December 2016] when introducing an exhibition of my work at the Maison Culturale, Gaillac.
Pomerol, Bordeaux region is the home of some of the most world famous wines.
Pomerol wines are listed among the top 9 in the Imperial Classification of French wines 1855
Here you can share a unique perspective of the villages through the eyes of the acclaimed artist Gordon Frickers.
Pomerol paintings by Gordon Frickers
Bordeaux, “Famous Wine Villages of Bordeaux” series
These paintings have distinctive, enduring qualities in part because Gordon Frickers has an unusually rich form of colour vision.
These are qualities, gifts he has in common with some of the greatest past masters including Cézanne Degas, Dürer, Titian and Rembrandt, Monet.
Gordon Frickers is one of the very few artists invited to created a one man show of (35) paintings (May 2011) at the European Parliament, Brussels.
Landline : + 33 (0) 9 79 01 93 20
Mobile : + 6 10 66 19 26, E : artistfrickers at gmail.com
WhatsApp, Telegram.com or Facebook Messenger to ‘gordonfrickers’
Email: artistfrickersatgmail.com : note, the ‘at’ is to fool robots and should be replaced with @ : if it arrives I always reply.
Websites : www.frickers.co.uk/art (marine & aviation)
& www.artfrickers.com (Landscapes & portraits).
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Gordon Frickers © updated 25.02.2023
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Gordon Frickers © 15.02.2015 updated 27.02.2023