‘Vines and wines of Gaillac‘ collection.
Looking for the best in fine art investments?
You have found it here.

a landscape painting by Gordon Frickers measuring 81 x 5 cm (32” x 23″), oils, available, £2,500. ex frame ex studio.
‘Vines and wines of Gaillac‘ collection are “more than a match for anything in the Musee d’Orsay” according to Alain Soreano, author, historian who introduced their exhibition in Gaillac.
Painted near Gaillac, in the heart of L’Occitane, a region long aeons famous for wines chosen for kings.
A timeless painting will give you pleasure every time you see it upon your wall
A painting that hangs comfortably with the finest collections.

The painting:
Domaine De La Tronque went ‘bio’ long before the term became so fashionable.
As soon the sunrises, delicate morning mists caress and nourish naturally, the vines.
That immediately attracted me.
I wanted to used my imagination based on years of observation and life in general.

I have chosen to keep the foreground loose, abstracted to focus our attention on the light, colours and details in the valley and on the ridge.

The painting’s progress in reverse order, enjoy:

Vines and wines of Gaillac, this landscape painting was completed on location from the roadside verge during September 2016
I first really saw Domaine De La Tronque basking in the late afternoon on the 6 th of July and was immediately struck by this view from which I developed the composition for this painting.
I’d previously driven past Domaine De La Tronque numerous times in all weathers when using a studio at Itzac 26 km from Albi where I was at that time living.
This time my ‘art radar’ was switched on and tuned.
Domaine De La Tronque was not on the original list given to me by the Tourist Information Office of Gaillac.
Vines and wines of Gaillac problems.
There were problems with two of the listed vineyards on my list of the Vines and wines of Gaillac.
I was looking for a replacement.
Domaine De La Tronque went ‘bio’ long before the term became so fashionable.
The view one has from the road caught my eye immediately and spoke to me, “paint me, include me”.

Pulling my car onto the verge, I got out, camera and sketch book in hand for a walk and look see.
Some compositions take ages to discover and even then need adjusting, this one gave it’s self up, needing only a change to the time of day and weather.

To acquire or commission an example of the art of Gordon Frickers phone + 44 (0)1865 52 2435 or email: info at artfrickers.com
By arrangement payments can be in instalments.
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Contact US ~ T:+ 44 (0)1865 52 2435 or Skype ‘gordonfrickers’
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Email ~ Important ! please substitute ‘@’ for ‘at’: artistfrickersatgmail.com
Best value, buy from a dedicated artist- buy from a reputable, established artist direct from his studio.
Simply, securely; to place a deposit or payment on our Payment page to make this your Gordon Frickers original painting (or acquire subject to availability, a beautiful Heritage quality print)?
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E : artistfrickers at gmail.com
Email: artistfrickersatgmail.com : note, the ‘at’ is to fool robots and should be replaced with @ : if it arrives I always reply.
Websites : www.frickers.co.uk/art (marine & aviation)
& www.artfrickers.com (Landscapes & portraits).
Copyright Gordon Frickers 2024 and legal moral rights for painters
For commercial use our Fees and Terms are among the most generous on the Internet.
Don’t hesitate to ask for details if you want to use this image, credit the artist & this website. and helps us with search engine optimisation, thank you.
Gordon Frickers © 11.06.2024 updated 27.06.2024.
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Email : info @ artfrickers.com
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