Frickers, Gordon, CONTACT
Gordon Frickers, artist, painter, contact.

Frickers for exceptional paintings and prints.
Landline : + 33 (0) 9 79 01 93 20
Mobile : + 6 10 66 19 26, E : artistfrickers at
WhatsApp, or Facebook Messenger to ‘gordonfrickers’ and or 06 1066 1926
Email: : note, the ‘at’ is to fool robots and should be replaced with @ : if it arrives I always reply.
Websites : (marine & aviation)
& (Landscapes & portraits).
Copyright 2022 and legal moral rights for painters :
Sharing my pages and posts for private use helps everyone.
For commercial use our Fees and Terms are among the most generous on the Internet.
Don’t hesitate to ask for details.
Gordon Frickers © updated 06.11.2022
You are cordially invited to follow and share The Art of Gordon Frickers on his blog and or

With Gordon Frickers you can order with confidence
There is an impressive list of distinguished individuals as varied Sir Robin Knox- Johnson, Princess Anne The Princess Royal, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said and Sir Richard Branson, also distinguished businesses such as Yamaha, British Telecom and Deloitte & Touché, who own examples of my work.
Many of these are listed as examples on my entertaining résumée page.
Frickers art works have been chosen by many distinguished people and renowned companies as you can discover by reading my illustrated résumée.
Gordon Frickers paintings have distinctive, enduring qualities in part because he has an unusually rich form of colour vision, qualities, gifts he has in common with some of the greatest past masters including Cézanne Degas, Dürer, Titian and Rembrandt, Monet.
Gordon Frickers exhibitions
is the only marine artist whose paintings to have been honoured by solo invitation to exhibit in the European Parliament May 2011. You can view these paintings, some are still available on my alternate (marine and aviation) website page
Gordon Frickers is widely considered among the all time very best of marine artists.

Your best value is to buy from a dedicated artist, a reputable, dedicated, established artist, Gordon Frickers, direct from his studio.
If you think I can assist you in any way don’t hesitate to ask.
Looking for the very best? You have found it here.
Timeless paintings, the test of true greatness, classics, royal gifts, fine long term art investments.
Phone, Still the best way to connect.
Frickers marine paintings and prints
Landline : + 33 (0) 9 79 01 93 20
Mobile : + 6 10 66 19 26, E : artistfrickers at
WhatsApp, or Facebook Messenger to ‘gordonfrickers’
Email: : note, the ‘at’ is to fool robots and should be replaced with @ : if it arrives I always reply.
Websites : (marine & aviation).
& (Landscapes & portraits).
Copyright 2022 and legal moral rights for painters
Sharing my pages and posts for private use helps everyone.
For commercial use our Fees and Terms are among the most generous on the Internet.
Don’t hesitate to ask for details.
Gordon Frickers © updated 11.09.2022.
You are cordially invited to follow and share The Art of Gordon Frickers on his blog and or
France: [primary address] Gallery and Studio, visitors welcome by appointment.
G S A Frickers 14 Rue du Bout de Ville, Thehillac, 56130, Morbihan, France.

For my renowned marine web site visit
England: post only, no visitors permitted to G S A Frickers at 30 Penny Lane, Emsworth, PO 10 8HE.
I can also be contacted via Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter.