by Gordon Frickers 121 x 121 cms (48″ x 48″), oils, available, £3,000.
The painting
Designed to provoke your thoughts… what does science know if anything…
I painted “Odd Socks” first and foremostly because science can’t explain why we all have them and can’t explain where the ‘other’ sock went or if, why , maybe, it will return…
One of a series exploring the issues of Universal Dimension, Mysteries and odd socks…

One sock? You wear odds socks? Good for you!
About 10 % of the male population and 3 % of females have colour issues that impact on their lives.
‘Colour blind’ is an emotional term, more correctly the word is deuteranope.
What colours might the deuteranope eyes of a painter be able to generate?
Quite a few of the greatest masters of painting, as in my case too, had unusual colour vision.
Thus, one way and another, here we have a particularly challenging painting, a great addition to any collection and ‘after dinner’ subject.
T: + 44 (0)1865 52 2435
or Skype ‘gordonfrickers’
Email: info at frickers.co.uk
Don’t miss
the page challenges science and our imaginations with some provocative thoughts …

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T: + 44 (0)1865 52 2435 or Skype ‘gordonfrickers’
Email: info@nullartfrickers.com
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Gordon Frickers © updated 17,04,16, 20.05.2017, 29.05.2017
You are cordially invited to follow The Art of Gordon Frickers on his blog and or https://www.facebook.com/gordon.frickers