Château Clément Termes

‘Vines and Pines’, one of The Gaillac (Wines) Collection.

Chateau Clement Termes

Château Clément Termes

Fine art,  38 x 46 cm (15″ x 18″), Oils, available, £950.

 GF-Sig-Dear-Joe d

Payment can be in stages, bank to bank or via PayPal.

If you love vines and pines, typical calm, late summers afternoons, then this painting, modestly priced, is a worthy addition to the ambiance of your home.

Contact Us

T: + 44 (0)1865 52 2435  Mobile 00 33 (0) 6 10 66 19 26

or Skype ‘gordonfrickers’

Email: artistfrickers at


This charming study so typical of South West France radiates the tranquility of a typical late summer day as grapes mature in the calming warmth of the valley of the Tarn near Gaillac, where the painting was painted partly on location.

Château Clément Termes
Château Clément Termes, detail

About Château Clément Termes

” Gaillac Perlé “, an ancestor of Champagne is produced at Château Clément Termes as is  a fine example of ” Gaillac Tradition “ and a range of other wines exclusively Gaillacois.

The remarkably reliable, regular, microclimate, of this part of the Tarn province, summer sunshine and nights temperate during the harvest produce a grape of beautiful maturity retaining its potential aromatic freshness. 

The regular autantic wind, hot and dry, contributes to the quality of the crops. 

You are invited by Olivier & Caroline David, the 7th generation, to discover our wines, fruit of thier work as an independent winegrowers, to accompany the Château Clément Termes today in this 21st century.

Contact Us

T: + 44 (0)1865 52 2435  Mobile 00 33 (0) 6 10 66 19 26

or Skype ‘gordonfrickers’

Email: artistfrickers at

Simply, securely;  place a deposit or payment on our Payment page  to make this your Gordon Frickers original painting, or commission something similarly special. 

Château Clément Termes, detail
Château Clément Termes, detail

Further reading

Copyright 2017:

Copyright fees and our Terms are among the most generous on the Internet, don’t hesitate to ask for details  

T:+ 44 (0)1865 52 2435 

Email: artistfrickers at

Skype (gordonfrickers)

whatsapp, or phone M: + 33 (0)6 10 66 19 26

Gordon Frickers 23,09,2017 © updated 06.10.2017, 14.12.2017, 22.05.2018

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